The Bootstrap Estimate of Standard Error

Introduction to the bootstrap strategy and some python implementations.


Bootstrap is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy(bias, variance, confidence intervals, prediction error, etc.) to statistical estimates. The idea is to use the observed sample to estimate the population distribution. Then samples can be drawn from the estimated population and the sampling distribution of any type of estimator can itself be estimated.

The general process of bootstrap

To fix notation:


Figure 1 is the schematics of the bootstrap process for estimating the standard error of a statistic $s(x)$:

  1. Generate $B$ bootstrap samples \(x^, x^,\dots,x^\). Each bootstrap sample has $n$ elements, generated by sampling with replacement from the original data set $x$. 2.Bootstrap replicates \(s(x^), s(x^), \dots, s(x^)\) are obtained by calculating the value of the statistic $s(x)$ on each bootstrap sample. If $s(x)$ is the sample median/mean, for instance, then \(s(x^*)\) is the median/mean of the bootstrap sample.
  2. Finally, the bootstrap estimate of standard error of $s(x)$ is the standard deviation of the bootstrap replications \(s(x^), s(x^), \dots, s(x^)\).

Parameter estimate

Suppose we face a common data-analytic situation: a random sample $x=(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n)$ from an unknown probability distribution $F$ has been observed and we wish to estimate a parameter of interest $\theta=t(F)$ on the basis of $x$. For this purpose, we calculate an estimate $\hat=s(x)$ from $x$. How accurate is $\hat$? Bootstrap sampling can be carried out both non-parametrically and parametrically to estimate the the standard error of a statistic $\hat$.

Non-parametric bootstrap

To fix notations:

In the nonparametric bootstrap a sample of the same size as the data is take from the data with replacement. It means that if you measure 10 samples, you create a new sample of size 10 by replicating some of the samples that you’ve already seen and omitting others.

bootstrap algorithm

Everything in this case can follow the above bootstrap algorithm without modification when the functional of interest is the parameter, except that we set \(\hat^*=s(x^*)\) :

  1. Select $B$ independent bootstrap samples \(x^, x^,\dots,x^\), each consisting of n data values drawn with replacement from $x$
  2. Evaluate the bootstrap replication corresponding to each bootstrap sample.
    \(\hat(b)=s(x^), b=1,2,\dots,B\)
  3. Estimate the standard error $se_F(\hat)$ by the sample standard deviation of the $B$ replications \(\hat_B=\^B[\hat(b)-\hat^*(\cdot)]^2/(B-1)\>^\), where\(\hat^*=\sum_^B \hat^*(b)/B\)


Parametric bootstrap

To fix notations:

Nonparametric bootstrap makes no assumption about the distribution of the coefficients in the model, while parametric bootstrapping assumes that the data comes from a known distribution with unknown parameters(for example the data may come from a Poisson, negative binomial for counts, or normal for continuous distribution.). The only difference from the nonparametric bootstrap is that the samples are drawn from a parametric estimate of the population rather than the non-parametric estimate $\hat$.

Instead of sampling with replacement from the data, we draw $B$ samples of size $n$ from the parametric estimate of the population $F_$: \(\hat_ \rightarrow(x^*_1, x^*_2,\dots,x^*_n)\). After generating the bootstrap samples, we proceed exactly as in steps 2 and 3 of the non-parametric bootstrap algorithm: evaluate statistic on each bootstrap sample, and then compute the standard deviation of the $B$ bootstrap replications.

Bootstrap in Python

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

Nonparametric bootstrap

To illustrate, we take 30 bootsrap samples from a population of size 100.

# construct a population of size 100 np.random.seed(42) population = np.random.randint(0,100 , size=100) population 
array([51, 92, 14, 71, 60, 20, 82, 86, 74, 74, 87, 99, 23, 2, 21, 52, 1, 87, 29, 37, 1, 63, 59, 20, 32, 75, 57, 21, 88, 48, 90, 58, 41, 91, 59, 79, 14, 61, 61, 46, 61, 50, 54, 63, 2, 50, 6, 20, 72, 38, 17, 3, 88, 59, 13, 8, 89, 52, 1, 83, 91, 59, 70, 43, 7, 46, 34, 77, 80, 35, 49, 3, 1, 5, 53, 3, 53, 92, 62, 17, 89, 43, 33, 73, 61, 99, 13, 94, 47, 14, 71, 77, 86, 61, 39, 84, 79, 81, 52, 23]) 
# population mean population.mean() 
# population standard deviation population.std() 
# draw a sample of size 30 from population sample = np.random.choice(population, size=30) sample 
array([75, 47, 83, 61, 88, 21, 2, 7, 47, 49, 74, 94, 51, 86, 94, 70, 87, 89, 86, 59, 59, 41, 60, 61, 21, 82, 1, 3, 99, 91]) 
# our first sample mean sample_mean = sample.mean() sample_mean 
# standard deiveation for this sample sample_std = np.std(sample, ddof=1) sample_std 
# estimated standard error for the sapmle mann sample_std/(30 ** 0.5) 
# theorical standard error for sapmle mann population.std()/(30 ** 0.5) 
# bootstrap resampling from empirical CDF. Since each step of our empirical CDF is identical (1/n), # sampling from the empirical CDF is the same as re-sampling (with replacement and equal probabilities) # from the sample. boot_means = [] for _ in range(10000): bootsample = np.random.choice(sample,size=30, replace=True) boot_means.append(bootsample.mean()) 
# simulated mean of mean bootmean = np.mean(boot_means) 
# simulated standard deviation of mean bootmean_std = np.std(boot_means) 
# simulated mean VS true mean (population.mean(), bootmean) 
(50.54, 59.66076333333333) 
# the theorical standard error and simulated standard error (population.std()/(30 ** 0.5), bootmean_std) 
(5.345491558313417, 5.49753810916911) 
(array([ 16., 63., 323., 1235., 2363., 2943., 2111., 779., 147., 20.]), array([37.53333333, 41.70333333, 45.87333333, 50.04333333, 54.21333333, 58.38333333, 62.55333333, 66.72333333, 70.89333333, 75.06333333, 79.23333333]), ) 


Parametric bootstrap

Suppose the data $x_1, . . . , x_$ is drawn from an $\exp (\lambda)$ distribution. Assume also that the data mean $x = 2$. Estimate $\lambda$ and give a 95% parametric bootstrap confidence interval for $\lambda$.

# Given 300 data points with mean 2. # Assume the data is exp(lambda) # PROBLEM: Compute a 95% parametric bootstrap confidence interval for lambda # the number of data points and mean n = 300 xbar = 2 # the number of bootstrap samples nboot = 1000 
# We draw the bootstrap sample from Exponential(lambdahat) # Each column is one bootstrap sample (of 300 resampled values) bootstrapsample = np.random.exponential(scale=xbar, size=(n, nboot)) 
sample_means=np.mean(bootstrapsample, axis=0) 
# simulated mean of mean bootmean = np.mean(sample_means) bootmean 
# simulated standard deviation of mean bootmean_std = np.std(sample_means) bootmean_std 
(array([ 16., 63., 323., 1235., 2363., 2943., 2111., 779., 147., 20.]), array([37.53333333, 41.70333333, 45.87333333, 50.04333333, 54.21333333, 58.38333333, 62.55333333, 66.72333333, 70.89333333, 75.06333333, 79.23333333]), ) 


lambdahat = 1.0/xbar # Compute the bootstrap lambdastar lambdastar = 1.0/sample_means # Compute the differences deltastar = lambdastar - lambdahat # Construct confidence interval upper = lambdahat-np.quantile(deltastar, 0.05) lower = lambdahat-np.quantile(deltastar, 0.95) ci = (lower, upper) ci 
(0.45078080625259803, 0.5439570029409425) 


Most helpful book by Efron, with a comprehensive discussion of the Bootstrap for statistical inference:

Last updated Jan 25, 2021

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