Study Plans

Study plans are a useful guide to help plan your enrolments each year.

Every degree (and every major) has a dedicated study plan which is your best guide to understanding the requirements of your program.

Your degree is made up of two types of courses:

Different degrees have different numbers of core and electives subjects. Your key to understanding which subjects you need to enrol in and which you have the freedom to choose is your Study Plan.

Courses that you take at Level I (first year) give you the knowledge and skills to allow you to take more advanced courses at Level II and III. It is very important to understand which courses you need to study in your first year to set you up for the pathway that you want to take in the later years of your degree.

By taking each course in the order mapped out you will ensure that:

Important information

Find a study plan

If you're a student starting in 2024, search for your study plan below.

Students who commenced in earlier years should follow the study plan for the year they started.