Multiple Educator Preparation Programs throughout the state offer teacher certification programs including Angelo State University and Inspire Texas.
Region 15 Education Service Center provides teacher, counselor, principal and superintendent certification programs online in partnership with Inspire Texas by Region 4 Education Service Center. The Inspire Texas teacher certification program is approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). Additional information regarding program approval and teaching credentials in the state of Texas can be found at the SBEC website on the TEA website. Program rules and requirements are subject to change at any time. The program is an alternative certification program designed for college graduates who meet certain minimum criteria to obtain teacher certification through plans approved by the State of Texas and is considered an alternative route because it accomplishes certification outside of the traditional university program setting. The program consists of approximately one semester of training and the choice to participate in a one-year teaching internship or twelve-week clinical teaching. During an internship, the participant serves as a teacher of record with the role and responsibilities of any first year teacher, including a first year teacher`s salary. Clinical teaching consists of a twelve-week, unpaid program in which the participant teaches in a classroom and is guided by a certified teacher. After all program requirements are complete, including all training and the one-year internship or twelve-week clinical teaching, the intern will be recommended to the state for a standard teaching certificate.