Interactive filtering data table in Plotly by using a dropdown

I am trying to make an interactive table where the values of the table change by selecting a value from a dropdown. This should be done only in Plotly (not Dash) as I need to share the file with other users. For example: If I chose Channel_1 then the tabel should be

Date A_item B_item C_item
2020-01-27 2 1 9
2020-02-27 8 7 2
If I chose Channel_2 then the tabel should be
Date A_item B_item C_item
2020-03-27 0 10 9
import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go df = pd.DataFrame(<"Date":["2020-01-27","2020-02-27","2020-03-27"], "A_item":[2, 8, 0], "B_item":[1, 7, 10], "C_item":[9, 2, 9], "Channel_type":["Channel_1", "Channel_1", "Channel_2"] >) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Table( header=dict( values=items, font=dict(size=10), align="left" ), cells=dict( values=. , align = "left") )) updatemenu= [] buttons=[] for channel in df['Channel_type'].unique(): buttons.append(dict(method='update', label=channel, args=[]) ) updatemenu=[] your_menu=dict() updatemenu.append(your_menu) updatemenu[0]['buttons']=buttons updatemenu[0]['direction']='down' updatemenu[0]['showactive']=True fig.update_layout(updatemenus=updatemenu)